

About 6 months ago the experiments wanted to have one queue per VO so
that they could implement some ranking algorithms.
If you look back in the Goc Wiki Admin Faq, there is an entry from 5th
August explaining how to do this.
As has been said several times before, this is a stop gap solution until
we have solved the Glue schema issues.

To make this as easy as possible for smaller sites we implemented one
queue per VO as the default configuration for the Yaim scripts.

There is no obligation to deploy one queue per VO but it is what the
experiments would like to see.

If  want to use the Yaim scripts, but do not want to configure one queue
per VO, this request is documented by the Savannah bug #6319.
In the meantime,  the work around is straight forward.
After running the Yaim configuration, edit the file
/opt/lcg/var/gip/lcg-info-genric.conf to reflect your queue structure
and then re-run the configuration.

We will see how we can make this more flexible in the future, getting a
good balance between ease of use for inexperienced users and a  high
level of  flexibility is hard hard to achieve.
