

Hi all,

This problem is, strangely enough, intermittent :-) Approx two out of three
attempts go wrong ... See my attempts below.
I'll hunt around locally as well for stange behaviour.


tbn12:jobs:1051$ edg-job-submit --vo dteam hostname-new.jdl

Selected Virtual Organisation name (from --vo option): dteam
Connecting to host, port 7772
Logging to host, port 9002

                                JOB SUBMIT OUTCOME
  The job has been successfully submitted to the Network Server.
  Use edg-job-status command to check job current status. Your job
identifier (edg_jobId) is:



tbn12:jobs:1052$ edg-job-submit --vo dteam hostname-new.jdl

Selected Virtual Organisation name (from --vo option): dteam
Connecting to host, port 7772
Logging to host, port 9002
**** Error: UI_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE ****
Mandatory Attribute default error in configuration file: "LBAddresses"

tbn12:jobs:1052$ edg-job-submit --vo dteam hostname-new.jdl

Selected Virtual Organisation name (from --vo option): dteam
Connecting to host, port 7772
Logging to host, port 9002

                                JOB SUBMIT OUTCOME
  The job has been successfully submitted to the Network Server.
  Use edg-job-status command to check job current status. Your job
identifier (edg_jobId) is:



Jeff Templon wrote:
> Hi,
> When submitting a simple job I get an error I have never seen before:
> **** Error: UI_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE ****
> Mandatory Attribute default error in configuration file: "LBAddresses"
> below I include the log file from edg-job-submit --debug.  Can someone
> tell me what's going wrong?  Strange, it was working a few days ago and
> I don't recall having changed anything.
>                                        JT
> *****************************
> Wed Mar 23 14:23:24 2005
> Function Called:
> /opt/edg/bin/edg-job-submit
> Options specified:
> --debug
> --vo   lhcb
> sleep.jdl
> *****************************
> #### Debug Message ####
> Selected Virtual Organisation name (from --vo option): lhcb
> VOMS configuration file successfully loaded:
> /opt/edg/etc/lhcb/edg_wl_ui.conf
>  [
>   MyProxyServer = "";
>   LBAddresses = { "","" };
>   VirtualOrganisation = "lhcb";
>   NSAddresses = { "","" }
>  ]
> **** Warning: UI_NO_VOMS ****
> #### Debug API #### - The function 'NSClient::init' has been called with
> the following parameter(s):
>  >>>>
>  >>>> 7772
>  >>>> 0
> #### Debug API #### - The function 'NSClient::multi' has been called (it
> doesn't require any parameter)
> Connecting to host, port 7772
> #### Debug API #### - The function 'JobAd::checkMultiAttribute' has been
> called with the following parameter(s):
>  >>>> ('GlueServiceAccessPointURL', 'GlueServiceAccessControlRule',
> 'GlueServiceInformationServiceURL', 'GlueChunkKey', 'GlueForeignKey',
> 'GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule', 'GlueClusterService', 'GlueHostService',
> 'GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment',
> 'GlueHostLocalFileSystemClient', 'GlueHostRemoteFileSystemServer',
> 'GlueCESEBindGroupSEUniqueID', 'GlueSEHostingSL', 'GlueSEType',
> 'GlueSEAccessProtocolSupportedSecurity', 'GlueSLService',
> 'GlueSLLocalFileSystemClient', 'GlueSAAccessControlBaseRule')
> Logging to host, port 9002
> #### Debug API #### - The function 'LOG::init' has been called with the
> following parameter(s):
>  >>>>
> **** Error: UI_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTE ****
> Mandatory Attribute default error in configuration file: "LBAddresses"

David Groep

** National Institute for Nuclear and High Energy Physics, PDP/Grid group **
** Room: H1.56 Phone: +31 20 5922179, PObox 41882, NL-1009DB Amsterdam NL **