

Jeff Templon wrote:
> Hi
> Isn't this a GDB discussion??

If they want to take it up ;-) I think at some level they should be 
involved, but...

>  If we have separate "WN requirements" for 
> all four experiments .... I think there needs to be some 
> application-driven process for expressing what they want sites to 
> install on WNs, and this needs to be discussed with sites.
> the result is a list of what sites agree to install on WNs, so that the 
> applications know what missing pieces need to be in their own dists.

...I think that VOs should reasonably be able to inform sites of their 
desire to have anything that

a) Is in the SL distro (or the LCG repository)
b) Isn't a daemon
c) Contains no SUID binaries

And at the moment we don't have any mechanism for communicating that easily.

Beyond these packages, yes, it has to be in their stack (or there can be 
a request to LCG to package anything that a significant number of VOs 
want - and that probably is a GDB decision).

> I don't want to have to read the "WN requirements doc" for fourteen 
> separate VOs ...

Indeed. With a metarpm system we don't have to - and we can use the 
tools we have (apt, yum, rpm) to intelligently get the necessary union 
of VO required rpms.

We've seen really daft things happening - sites enabling phenogrid, but 
jobs failing because of lack of an f77 compiler.

> Henry Nebrensky wrote:
>> Should Atlas be allowed to modify "LCG" RPMs?

No. But neither does it make sense for every site to have to parse 
Atlas's list. All I want is for someone in LCG to check that Atlas's 
list satisfies the above 3 criteria.

>> Anyway, the list of dependencies shouldn't be changing at all often. What
>> about publishing the list from the CIC in a machine-readable form and
>> having YAIM look at that - at least then there's only one such list...
>> Once said packages have been installed, APT should be able to keep them
>> updated...

Cripes! So then you let the VO trigger an install of any rpm at your 
site. Please no....



Dr Graeme Stewart    
GridPP DM Wiki