

Hi All,

I actually work on a part of SFT-2 Admin's Page which will allow to submit 
test jobs for uncertified sites.
My scripts use direct MySQL connections to GOC DB and that's the way I'm 
retrieving the newest information about EGEE sites.

On the other hand, SFT-2 developed by Piotr Nyczyk work with R-GMA as a source 
of such information.

I discovered some differences (let me say - incoherency) between these two 
"databases" when I was looking for not yet certified sites for SFT.

The follwing SQL query in GOC DB:

select n.hostname, n.domain, s.sitename as cn, s.siteID as id
from sites as s, nodes as n
where s.siteID = n.siteID and n.nodetype='CE' and s.status != 'Certified'
	and s.type='Production';

gives the result with 21 rows (21 sites).

The following SQL query in R-GMA (called from our local CE):

SELECT s.siteID,hostname,sitename,region,inMaintenance 
from GocSite_v0_4 as s, GocNode_v0_4 as n 
where s.siteID=n.siteID and n.nodetype='CE' and status!='Certified'
	and type='Production'

gives the result with 22 (!) rows.

This additional one is the site with ID=241, name='AUVERGRID' and 

And what is the reason?
The GOC DB says that '' is SE (so the query doesn't show 
this site) and R-GMA says that '' is CE....

My question is: what is the reason of this incoherency?
Is there any "direct" connection/relation between GOC DB and R-GMA?




* * *
*    R a f a l    L i c h w a l a
*    Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
*    EGEE Project Participant
*    Address :   Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
*                      60-814 Poznan, Zwierzyniecka 20
*    Phone   :   (+48 61) 858 21 82
*    E-mail  :   mailto:[log in to unmask]
* * *