


Mario David wrote:

>I have the following question
>I have in my proxy machine the following /etc/myproxy.conf 
>accepted_credentials "/C=FR/O=CNRS/CN=CNRS-Projets"
>accepted_credentials "/*"
>this entry "/*" comes from
>6b4ddd18.signing_policy file
>cat 6b4ddd18.signing_policy
># EACL French CA, DataGrid level: Datagrid-fr
>access_id_CA      X509          '/C=FR/O=CNRS/CN=Datagrid-fr'
>pos_rights        globus        CA:sign
>cond_subjects     globus        '"/*"'
>So, this entries allows each and everyone to put crendentials in the proxy
Only for certificates issued by this CA

>(I think I have no problem with that, but I am not a security expert).
>the question is why on earth give the script
>/etc/init.d/ the trouble of going through
>all the *.signing_policy to take out the subjects which are allowed to put
>credentials in the proxy server.
>or should we remove everytime we make an upgrade
>the ca_CNRS-DataGrid-0.32-1 rpm ?
This will change nothing...

The CA CNRS Datagrid-fr will finish at the end of December 2005.
CNRS GRID-FR is the new CNRS CA for Grid projects, this CA issues 
certificates since April 2005.
Perhaps, you could ignore the Datagrid-fr CA.

CNRS CA administrator

>Mario David