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GGUS-Ticket-ID: #2277 - Bad configuration of the /opt/edg/var/info/<vo> area in the CE

Dear all,
this ticket has been open since April and the UK site is still missconfigured.
Can please somebody in UK take the appropriate action ?

Thank you.

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Making edg-gridftp-ls -v gsi
It shows:
-rw-r--r--    1 dteam           0 Apr 18 16:51 dteam.list
Exactly the same for the rest of VOs. 
This is bad configured. The 1st time the tool lcg-ManageVOTag is used creates this file with write permisions for the sgm persons. So after the configuration of the SE, this *.list files should not exist. In this sense experiments that want to install software in this site will not be able to publish the corresponding tag in the Information System and the following production in this site will not arrive.

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