

Kostas Georgakopoulos wrote:

> We installed the middleware with yaim and specificaly the 
> lcg-CE-torque and lcg-WN-torque packages on the CE and WN's 
> respectively. However
> on the site configuration file we have :
> JOB_MANAGER=lcgpbs
> CE_BATCH_SYS=torque
> the equivalent of what you say should be to change the JOB_MANAGER and 
> CE_BATCH_SYS to pbs and reconfigure CE and WN's right?

No, is to change only CE_BATCH_SYS to pbs and reconfigure the CE only.
Doing this way, the INFN solution described at works also with 
non-shared home directories,
once in all WNs and CE:

1. The file /etc/ssh/sshd_config must contain at least the following lines:

HostbasedAuthentication yes
IgnoreUserKnownHosts yes
IgnoreRhosts yes

2. The file /etc/ssh/ssh_config must contain in the section Host* the foollowing line:

HostbasedAuthentication yes

3. The file /etc/ssh_known_hosts2 must contain the public key of all the WN and the
     CE in the site and must be replicated on every computer.

4. The file /etc/ssh/shosts.equiv must contain the list of the hostanames of WNs and CE

5. ssh daemon has to be restarted: 
     /sbin/service sshd restart

and the script will copy all job subdirectory from the WN where the job 
is executed to all the others in the set choosen for the job.

best regards,

> best regards,
> Kostas Georgakopoulos - University of Macedonia
> Marco Verlato wrote:
>> Hi Kostas,
>> if can help, in the Italian Grid we found that MPI didn't work for 
>> torque if the CE GRIS published GlueCEInfoLRMSType=torque as is in 
>> your case for the CE. After putting 
>> GlueCEInfoLRMSType=pbs our MPI implementation 
>> (  worked.
>> best regards,
>> Marco
>> Kostas Georgakopoulos wrote:
>>>  Hi all,
>>>  i configured our site (GR-02-UoM) for mpi support following the 
>>> instructions in 
>>> (torque is the job manager for us) and it seems that everything is 
>>> ok. However i tried executing the test job from 
>>> and the job get stuck in one of the workers till the proxy 
>>> certificate expires. The command used to submit the job was:
>>> edg-job-submit --vo dteam --lrms pbs -r 
>>> MPItest.jdl
>>> has anyone have any idea what the problem might be? (i include the 
>>> files below).
>>> Best regards
>>> Kostas Georgakopoulos
>>> University of Macedonia
>>> MPItest.jdl:
>>> Type = "Job";
>>> JobType = "MPICH";
>>> NodeNumber = 8;
>>> Executable = "";
>>> Arguments = "MPItest";
>>> StdOutput = "test.out";
>>> StdError = "test.err";
>>> InputSandbox = {"","MPItest.c"};
>>> OutputSandbox = {"test.err","test.out","mpiexec.out"};
>>> #!/bin/sh -x
>>> # the binary to execute
>>> EXE=$1
>>> echo 
>>> "***********************************************************************" 
>>> echo "Running on: $HOSTNAME"
>>> echo "As:       " `whoami`
>>> echo 
>>> "***********************************************************************" 
>>> echo 
>>> "***********************************************************************" 
>>> echo "Compiling binary: $EXE"
>>> echo mpicc -o ${EXE} ${EXE}.c
>>> mpicc -o ${EXE} ${EXE}.c
>>> echo "*************************************"
>>> if [ "x$PBS_NODEFILE" != "x" ] ; then
>>> echo "PBS Nodefile: $PBS_NODEFILE"
>>> fi
>>> if [ "x$LSB_HOSTS" != "x" ] ; then
>>> echo "LSF Hosts: $LSB_HOSTS"
>>> HOST_NODEFILE=`pwd`/lsf_nodefile.$$
>>> for host in ${LSB_HOSTS}
>>> do
>>>   echo $host >> ${HOST_NODEFILE}
>>> done
>>> fi
>>> if [ "x$HOST_NODEFILE" = "x" ]; then
>>> echo "No hosts file defined.  Exiting..."
>>> exit
>>> fi
>>> echo 
>>> "***********************************************************************" 
>>> CPU_NEEDED=`cat $HOST_NODEFILE | wc -l`
>>> echo "Node count: $CPU_NEEDED"
>>> echo "Nodes in $HOST_NODEFILE: "
>>> echo 
>>> "***********************************************************************" 
>>> echo 
>>> "***********************************************************************" 
>>> CPU_NEEDED=`cat $HOST_NODEFILE | wc -l`
>>> echo "Checking ssh for each node:"
>>> for host in ${NODES}
>>> do
>>> echo "Checking $host..."
>>> ssh $host hostname
>>> done
>>> echo 
>>> "***********************************************************************" 
>>> echo 
>>> "***********************************************************************" 
>>> echo "Executing $EXE with mpiexec"
>>> chmod 755 $EXE
>>> mpiexec `pwd`/$EXE > mpiexec.out 2>&1
>>> echo 
>>> "***********************************************************************" 
>>> echo 
>>> "***********************************************************************" 
>>> echo "Executing $EXE with mpirun"
>>> chmod 755 $EXE
>>> mpirun -np $CPU_NEEDED -machinefile $HOST_NODEFILE `pwd`/$EXE
>>> echo 
>>> "***********************************************************************" 
>>> MPItest.c:
>>> /*  hello.c
>>> *
>>> *  Simple "Hello World" program in MPI.
>>> *
>>> */
>>> #include "mpi.h"
>>> #include <stdio.h>
>>> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
>>> {
>>> int numprocs;  /* Number of processors */
>>> int procnum;   /* Processor number */
>>> /* Initialize MPI */
>>> MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
>>> /* Find this processor number */
>>> MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &procnum);
>>> /* Find the number of processors */
>>> MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);
>>> printf ("Hello world! from processor %d out of %d\n", procnum, 
>>> numprocs);
>>> /* Shut down MPI */
>>> MPI_Finalize();
>>> return 0;
>>> }

Marco Verlato
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Sez. di Padova
Via Marzolo 8 - 35131 Padova - ITALY
Phone +39 049 827 7165, Fax +39 049 827 7102, Email: [log in to unmask]