

Hi all,

I don't want to give explicit details on this (public, archived) list, 
but there is also a security related reason why a default yaim-installed 
RB shouldn't really have account recycling going on.


Burke, S (Stephen) wrote:

> LHC Computer Grid - Rollout 
>>[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of 
>>Alessandro Cavalli said:
>>We found that the default expire period (48 hours) of 
>>lcg-expiregridmapdir could be not long enough for the ResourceBrokers.
> Even extending it to a week doesn't seem that good. Is it LCG policy
> that people have to retrieve job output within a week? I would suggest
> making it much longer, or indeed not expiring at all and just creating
> more pool accounts. Also, is any output deleted when the accounts are
> recycled, or could someone else potentially get your output?
> Stephen

Dr O J E Maroney # London Tier 2 Technical Co-ordinator

Tel. (+44)20 759 47802

Imperial College London
High Energy Physics Department
The Blackett Laboratory
Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2BW