

Maarten Litmaath, CERN wrote:

> On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, Anton Martchukov wrote:
>>We are trying to set up a small site containing CE (,
>>SE+MON ( and for now a one WN. Our site will use BDII,
>>RB and PXY hosts from SINP MSU.
>>The installation was performed by yaim on SL303. Now we have installed
>>CE and SE+MON hosts.
>>1) The first problem is that our CE responds only on the following query:
>>[anton@ce01 anton]$ ldapsearch -LLL -x -H ldap://
>>-b "mds-vo-name=local,o=grid" | head
>>dn: siteName=ru-Novgorod-NSU-LCG2,Mds-Vo-name=local,o=grid
>>objectClass: SiteInfo
>>objectClass: DataGridTop
>>objectClass: DynamicObject
>>siteName: ru-Novgorod-NSU-LCG2
>>sysAdminContact: [log in to unmask]
>>userSupportContact: [log in to unmask]
>>siteSecurityContact: [log in to unmask]
>>dataGridVersion: lcg-2_3_0
>>installationDate: 200412301200003
>>It fails and returns "No such object (32)" when querying with
>>"mds-vo-name=ru-Novgorod-NSU-LCG2,o=grid" or
>>"mds-vo-name=runovgorodnsulcg2,o=grid" search bases.

The following statement is correct:

> Your GRIS on port 2135 will only have "Mds-Vo-name=local,o=grid" while
> your site GIIS on port 2170 will have your site name in the search base.

So, your site was fine: you queried the GRIS instead of the GIIS.

The next statement is *wrong* (I was misled by an earlier problem report
about a similar matter, and then I misread the YAIM code...):

> On the CE you need to change your site-def.cfg to say that CE == BDII.

The site-def.cfg can be (and should be) the same on every node
(I would have opened a bug on that otherwise).
Sorry for the confusion!