

LHC Computer Grid - Rollout
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Steve Traylen said:
> As for generally where to report it, I would say to then,
> GGUS or their ROC if that made sense.

Since this is still there, and I don't immediately see it in the CIC task
list, where should I report it? As far as I can see there is no ROC as such
since it isn't in EGEE. Should I just contact the site, or report to the CIC
on duty? Looking at the SA1 web page nothing springs out at me to tell me
how to report problems.


globus-job-run /bin/pwd
GRAM Job submission failed because authentication failed:
GSS Major Status: Authentication Failed
GSS Minor Status Error Chain:

init.c:499: globus_gss_assist_init_sec_context_async: Error during context
init_sec_context.c:171: gss_init_sec_context: SSLv3 handshake problems
globus_i_gsi_gss_utils.c:881: globus_i_gsi_gss_handshake: Unable to verify
e side's credentials
globus_i_gsi_gss_utils.c:854: globus_i_gsi_gss_handshake: SSLv3 handshake
ms: Couldn't do ssl handshake
OpenSSL Error: s3_clnt.c:840: in library: SSL routines, function
_CERTIFICATE: certificate verify failed
globus_gsi_callback.c:351: globus_i_gsi_callback_handshake_callback: Could
not v
erify credential
globus_gsi_callback.c:436: globus_i_gsi_callback_cred_verify: The
certificate ha
s expired: Credential with subject:
.tw has expired. (error code 7)