

We have found that our monbox is hanging up, when running the RGMA tests.
The tomcat4 program seems to respawn at a maddening rate and the only
way to get out of it is knocking off system and rebooting.

Any other site having this occurence? If so, is there a remedy.

Installed system: minimal with LCG-2_3_0 install using yum and
yaim scripts.

Doing the test by hand from one of the worker nodes produces the
following output:

[dteam001@wn07 dteam001]$ /opt/edg/sbin/test/edg-rgma-
edg-rgma-check         edg-rgma-run-examples
[dteam001@wn07 dteam001]$ /opt/edg/sbin/test/edg-rgma-check

R-GMA Site System Test


EDG_LOCATION=/opt/edg found.

Trying to set up the R-GMA enviroment and obtain RGMA_PROPS...

RGMA_PROPS=/opt/edg/var/edg-rgma found.

Checking that ports 8080 and 8088 on IC and MON servers are accessible...

Connect to 8080 () TCP port MON server: OK from inside domain
Connect to 8088 () TCP port MON server: OK from inside domain

Warning: ensure that ports 8080 and 8088 of the MON server are visible externally!

Check Registry location is consistent...

The two files contain the same registry URL

Checking the status of the servlets...

SchemaServlet OK
RegistryServlet OK
StreamProducerServlet OK
LatestProducerServlet OK
ConsumerServlet OK

Checking the R-GMA command line interface...

R-GMA command line interface: OK.

Checking Schema...

Found Service in schema
Found ServiceStatus in schema

Checking for site RGMA in Service and Service Status Tables...
Site RGMA Serlvets: OK

Checking for Registry and Schema Services runing at your site...
Info: R-GMA.RegistryService not running at this site
Info: R-GMA.SchemaService not running at this site

Please check the above information is correct for your site
[dteam001@wn07 dteam001]$ /opt/edg/sbin/test/edg-rgma-run-examples


/usr/bin/g++ -I/opt/edg/include -c producer.cpp
/usr/bin/g++ producer.o -o producer -L/opt/edg/lib -lrgma-cpp -lxerces-c1_7_0 -lssl -Wl,-rpath /usr/local/lib -Wl,-rpath /opt/edg/lib
/usr/bin/gcc -I/opt/edg/include -c producer.c
/usr/bin/gcc producer.o -o producer -L/opt/edg/lib -L/opt/edg/lib -lrgma-c -lrgma-cpp -lxerces-c1_7_0 -lssl -Wl,-rpath /usr/local/lib -Wl,-rpath /opt/edg/lib
javac -classpath /opt/edg/share/java/info.jar

testing cpp examples
Predicate: WHERE (userId = [log in to unmask])
INSERT INTO userTable (userId, aString, aReal, anInt) VALUES ([log in to unmask], 'C++ producer', 3.1415962, 42)
testing c examples
Predicate: WHERE (userId = [log in to unmask])
INSERT INTO userTable (userId, aString, aReal, anInt) VALUES ([log in to unmask], 'C producer', 3.1415962, 42)
testing java examples
Predicate: WHERE (userId = [log in to unmask])
INSERT INTO userTable (userId, aString, aReal, anInt) VALUES ([log in to unmask], 'Java producer', 3.1415962, 42)
testing Perl examples
Predicate: WHERE (userId = [log in to unmask])
INSERT INTO userTable (userId, aString, aReal, anInt) VALUES ([log in to unmask], 'Perl producer', 3.1415962, 42)
testing Python examples
Predicate: WHERE (userId = [log in to unmask])
INSERT INTO userTable (userId, aString, aReal, anInt) VALUES ([log in to unmask], 'Python producer', 3.1415962, 42)
testing edg-rgma

Dr E L  Heck
Department of Physics  | Tel.: + 44 191 - 334 3628
University of Durham   | Fax.: + 44 191 - 334 3645
Durham, DH1 3LE        |
U.K.                   | e-mail: [log in to unmask]