
I'm trying to use the SFT2 framework. I follow the directions described in http://goc.grid.sinica.edu.tw/gocwiki/Site_Functional_Tests.
However when I try to run the first test I get the following:

/opt/lcg/sft/sftests local-test

Looking for good central SE:
Could not find good SE!
Look at /home/MYUSERNAME/.sft2/choose-good-SE.log for more details...
Cannot find good central SE! Aborting.

choose-good-SE start
Making sure the test file is unregistered.
Using the following command to test SE:
lcg-cr --vo phicos -d <SE_hostname> file:/home/MYUSERNAME/.sft2/choose-good-SE.V22993 -l lfn:SFT-test-file-FULLYQUALIFIED_UI_NODE_NAME.txt

LRC endpoint not found
RMC endpoint not found
lcg_cr: Invalid argument

Since I only want to test our local site I selected our own SE - could that be the problem?
Besides that: what nodes (like SE, CE, RB, BDII etc) should be available on a local site in order to being able to use the SFT framework?
