


We have been running the LCG Real Time Monitor at Imperial College for over a year now.  It displays job information through an applet, and many of you have probably seen it at

As the URL suggests, this was initially only a demo.  We have always known that the information displayed was not guaranteed to be accurate, due to the way in which it was retrieved through RB sys admins kindly granting us limited access to the mySQL databases at the RBs.

Since then we have investigated methods to more accurately gather this information.  I have tried using the Logging and Bookkeeping API (with limited success), and we are actively investigating using R-GMA.  However, the most successfull method at this time uses different tables in the RB's mySQL database (which did not exist when the demo was first written).

We would therefore like all RBs who currently kindly give us access to grant us slightly different access.  If you are a sys admin of an RB, whether currently monitored or not, and wish to be monitorred, please email me directly and I will send you the instructions.

The applet is also in the process of changing its appearance.  This is due to the stack sizes gfetting too high.  The new applet will be publicised once I have a reasonable number of RBs being monitored by the new method.  At this time I will also cease to monitor by the old method.




Gidon Moont
High Energy Physics Group, The Blackett Laboratory
Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus
Prince Consort Road, LONDON SW7 2BW
Tel: +44 (0)207 594 7810