

On Mon, 2 May 2005, Jiri Kosina wrote:

> This, among other things, means (when looking at the latest report), that 
> 31 sites, if I count correctly, would be marked 'CT', even if everything 
> else, apart from R-GMA, was tested as OK.

There again, from the user's point of view out of 28 sites that ran and 
failed the test job 23 are presently advertising "R-GMA" as an installed 
software environment: that's (roughly) a 25% chance of job failure because 
of a misconfigured site. That's better than it was: 

but it still seems to be a little high.

One positive effect of making R-GMA a critical test ought to be that 
CICs/ROCs etc. should be pro-active in helping sites get it to work 
(assuming they have the required expertise themselves!).

> I have posted many times questions regarding non-working R-GMA setup (I am 
> using YAIM on RH 7.3 on both farms I manage, and I _never_ got R-GMA 
> working, neither did I receive any helpful advice) 

Undocumented feature warning: MON box is not supported on RH7.3!

I have managed to beat one into submission though - it boiled down to 
making sure everything was looking at the right version of python.



Dr. Henry Nebrensky                     [log in to unmask]
"The opossum is a very sophisticated animal.  
 It doesn't even get up until 5 or 6 p.m."