

A colleague at the Social Care Institute for Excellence is working on a 
hospital discharge guide for older people, and we'd really appreciate 
examples of such guides.

This is an area of huge importance as the experience of the discharge 
process including assessment of needs, setting up of required services and 
other arrangements for older people can often be a negative process fraught 
with difficulties and causing distress to individuals, their families and 
carers.  We hope that our proposed discharge guide would provide 
information that would help towards life planning including planning future 
care, adjusting lifestyles, as well as helping individuals to gain some 
sense of control over their lives.  In addition the guide would signpost 
older people, their families and carers to valuable sources of help and 

The Social Care Institute for Excellence places a high priority on 
involving older people who have knowledge and/or experience of the 
discharge planning process so examples of participation in such guides are 
also valuable.

Thankyou, and apologies in advance for cross-posting.