

Surely the time has come to stop worrying about whether something is organic or inorganic (which is an interesting mental picture) and instead we should be demanding minimum food miles in our supermarkets. It wouldn't do us any harm to learn to eat foods in season either - personally I have never found a strawberry that tastes of anything out of the proper season - and those that I have tried have undoubtedly travelled many miles.

On 8/14/05, Michael Leuty <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
On Sunday 14 Aug 2005 12:45, Adrian Midgley wrote:
> not being so stupid as to move an 80kg mass to and from London
> in order to exchange a gigabyte or so of information

Unfortunately my mass seems to have increased to 91kg during a recent
holiday. Eheu!

Supermarkets seem to be using a lot of unnecessary energy. I recently
saw a documentary which reported that Sainsburys fly brussel sprouts to
Poland to be cleaned and tidied up, before flying them back to Blighty.
There is something odd about the market conditions which make this a
profitable venture.

And transporting ourselves gaily around the globe may become an
unaffordable luxury. Whether improved communications (Internet and the
like) will make an acceptable substitute remains to be seen.

Michael Leuty
Nottingham, UK

John Clegg