

Dear all,

In order to assist the advertising of current GIS, remote sensing, and
other niche earth science job vacancies, is now
a free service for all users (job advertisers and candidates).

What sets our site apart from the rest?

    * Free CV and job advertisng
    * Automatic CV upload and fully accessible CV database
    * Dedicated search engine and review site
    * The knowledge that every single upoad to our site is dealt with by
earth science professionals (all of which are voluntary employees)

We are one of the worlds leading earth science job listing sites, and as
far as we are aware, we are the only site in this sector of science that
does not charge for its service. We would appreciate your support in
maintaining the popularity and importance of our site.

Should any of you wish to add a job listing to our site please contact me 
directly. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future,

Best regards,
Mr. A Thomas -

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