

Hello bedpost users,
    I am a recent convert to DTI and have been trying to run bedpost on the sample data from the fsl website. I get an error that I would like some help with please. The output is as follows.

/Desktop/feeds/data willcott$ sudo bedpost fdt_subj1
subjectdir is /Users/willcott/Desktop/feeds/data/fdt_subj1
making bedpost directory
copying files to bedpost directory
processing data on local host
Merging outputs into 4D files

Usage: avwmerge <-x/y/z/t> <output> <file1 file2 .......>

-t : concatenate images in time
-x : concatenate images in the x direction
-y : concatenate images in the y direction
-z : concatenate images in the z direction

-a : auto-choose: single slices -> volume, volumes -> 4D (time series)

Usage: avwmerge <-x/y/z/t> <output> <file1 file2 .......>

-t : concatenate images in time
-x : concatenate images in the x direction
-y : concatenate images in the y direction
-z : concatenate images in the z direction

-a : auto-choose: single slices -> volume, volumes -> 4D (time series)

Usage: avwmerge <-x/y/z/t> <output> <file1 file2 .......>

-t : concatenate images in time
-x : concatenate images in the x direction
-y : concatenate images in the y direction
-z : concatenate images in the z direction

-a : auto-choose: single slices -> volume, volumes -> 4D (time series)

/usr/local/fsl/bin/bedpost: line 293: syntax error: unexpected end of  file