

Dear List,

Could someone help me understand how in the 3 column format for full model setup , the last number or the strength affects the analysis. I assume it can take only 0 or 1 as input. How does one decide which strength to apply? If for example in a single session, I have multiple EVs whose strengths are different, then should I be defining the lower strength EV as 0 ( in a 3 column text file) and the higher strength EV as 1?The study design that I am tring to analyse is an event related  one:

The EVs are as follows:

There are 3 phases to the experiment:

Phase 1 : where two colors are presented red and blue
EV1= Red Phase1
EV2 = Red Phase 1
Phase 2: Where few reds are coupled with an auditory stimuli:
EV3: Red + auditory stimuli
EV4: Red Phase 2
EV5:Blue Phase 2
Phase 3: Where no auditory stimuli are coupled to the colors
EV6: Red
Right now I have set all the EVs to strength '1' , but EV3 is definitely stronger than the other EVs. What should I do in this case?
Thanks in advance,

Laboratory for the Study of Emotion and Cognition,
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Stony Brook University,
New York, 11790
Phone- 631-444-8405/ 631-444-7868