

How about biennial meetings?
Dan H Kerem, PhD
President, IMMRAC (Israel Marine Mammal Research & Assistance Center)
The Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies
The University of Haifa
Mt. Carmel, Haifa 31905
Phone: 972-4-8249449
Fax: 972-4-9240493
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From: [log in to unmask] href="mailto:[log in to unmask]">Colin D. MacLeod
To: [log in to unmask] href="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 9:01 AM
Subject: Carbon-neutral conferencing and the ECS

Dear ECSers,
I raised the issue at the recent AGM in La Rochelle of whether the ECS should move to make its conferences more environmentally-friendly in the future and the committee asked whether I could provide some further information on the concept of making conferences carbon-neutral.  To put my point of view in a nut shell, we as scientists that work in the marine environment have a duty to limit our impact upon it wherever possible. One of the greatest threats to cetaceans, other marine life and indeed much other life on the planet is climate change associated with global warming.  This is not a theoretical threat for the future, but is something that we are already starting to see the effects of around Europe now.
Therefore, I feel that the ECS should do as much as possible to ensure that it is not contributing to this problem for cetaceans.  As a group, the greatest single event run by the ECS that I would think contributes to most to global warming (through carbon dioxide production) is the annual conference (people flying in from all over the world, electricity used, etc).  Therefore, I would like to propose that the ECS should aim to make its future annual conferences carbon-neutral events (i.e. there is no net addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from all activities associated with holding the event).  This would probably result in an increase in cost, but it should not be a large increase and any additional costs would be more than paid back in terms of the reduction in harm to the environment and the well-being of cetaceans (and other marine life) around Europe and beyond.
I realise that many people will not necessarily be familiar with the concept of a carbon-neutral conference and have taken the liberty of providing some additional information below.  It's not that hard to do and would just be another aspect of organising a conference if it can be integrated into the normal planning proceedures.
Does anyone else have any thoughts or comments on this issue?
All the best,
Tips on holding a green meeting
Carbon Neutral conferencing
What is Carbon Neutral Conferencing? (taken from the above website).

Carbon neutral conferencing is not a substitute for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction. However, it allows conference organizers to reduce emissions from travel and accommodation activities where possible, and to offset any emissions that cannot be reduced through other means. Holding a carbon neutral conference involves four key steps:

  • Apply a “green meeting” strategy to minimize the meeting's overall environmental impacts
  • Estimate conference emissions based on delegates' travel and accommodation choices
  • Offset remaining emissions by purchasing verified carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e ) credits
  • Retire CO2e credits through the Canadian GHG Credit Registry© of the Canadian Standards Association, Climate Change, GHG Registries.

Carbon neutral conferences highlight organizational leadership in GHG emission reduction and offsetting. They also help to educate, influence and engage an organization's contact audiences. The process of hosting carbon neutral conferences can help organizations understand more about their operational greenhouse gas emissions, and how to deal with them.

The Federal House in Order Office has developed a comprehensive Guide to Carbon Neutral Conferencing, as well as a concise one-page overview.

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article source: nature
Published online: 17 November 2004; | doi:10.1038/432257a

Clean, green conferencing

Big conferences are good for science. But because many researchers fly in, these events are also bad for the environment. What can be done to redress the balance?
Consider this contradiction. Compared with most other professions, scientists are probably better informed and more concerned about climate change. Yet they also fly more than most, generating significant greenhouse-gas emissions. Last month, for example, 31,000 neuroscientists descended upon San Diego for their annual meeting. Even many of those based in the United States flew in.

Researchers should consider what to do about this, because politicians are unlikely to take any action. In countries that have signed the Kyoto Protocol, companies are starting to cut emissions through carbon-trading schemes. But airlines will not join the party, because aviation exhaust gases will lie outside the Kyoto Protocol until at least 2012. That's a problem: the sector generates 3.5% of global emissions, and its contribution is expected to double in the next 15 years.

What should scientists do? Some advice is as well worn as it is tough to take: think about going by train, bike or camel, or whether to go at all. These are not palatable ideas. Conferences are often too distant to reach, except by plane, but good science depends on the exchange of ideas. Nonetheless, it would be worth research groups considering whether they can send fewer members to conferences, and whether more distant and less important meetings can be missed altogether.

One alternative to missing events is to tot up the total emissions incurred by a flight, and invest in small-scale projects to cancel out the emissions. This could involve cutting carbon from other sources, by paying for solar panels, for example, or giving villagers in the developing world stoves that burn more cleanly. The web is teeming with companies that will calculate your next trip's emissions, work out how much it will cost to cut these emissions from other sources (see News Feature, page 268) and invest that amount in selected projects. Bingo — clean, green conferencing.

Some research organizations, such as the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research in Norwich, UK, already do this on a routine basis without incurring significant costs. Other institutes should consider following suit. Alternatively, academic societies might choose to add the costs to the meeting fees.

But before doing so, take a good look at the companies that offer to do this 'carbon offsetting'. The problem is verification. Under Kyoto, companies can invest in well regulated mitigation projects, such as schemes to collect methane from landfill sites. Until offsetting projects are regulated in the same way, there is no guarantee that the firms involved have done their homework. Many offer to plant trees, for example, but forestry is not an accepted emissions-management strategy under Kyoto, partly because it offers no long-term guarantee of soaking up carbon. Trees can be cut down or burnt, especially if local people need them for fuel or economic gain.

To avoid such pitfalls, ask offsetting companies a few questions before investing. How transparent are they? Do they, for example, ask independent scientists to scrutinize their projects? And do they take a truly international outlook? There is little point in restricting investment to schemes in one particular country, as some companies do. Before you invite your colleagues to jet over to your own carbon-neutral conference, make sure that it actually is.
Colin D. MacLeod, M.Sc., B.Sc
School of Biological Sciences (Zoology),
University of Aberdeen,
Tillydrone Avenue,
AB24 2TZ,
Tel: 01224 272648
Fax: 01224 272396
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