Dear colleagues,
I would very much appreciate it if you could pass this information around.
Thank you very much for your help

Mathematical model in economics and ecology

A postdoctoral associate is sought to join a young research team at the Ecology, Systematics and Evolution Lab, a CNRS laboratory at the University of Paris-XI, 30km south of Paris, France. The University hosts 27000 students (2500 PhD) and 127 research labs, our Lab hosting 100+ staff. The position is for one year and may be renewed another year. The salary is 1830 euros (~2200 US $) per month, plus health insurance.
We are seeking a motivated postdoctoral fellow to construct and analyse a mathematical model at the interface of economics and animal or plant population dynamics. The ideal candidate would have an experience in mathematical modelling, ecological economics and conservation biology. However, candidates with less optimal profiles will be considered provided their motivation, work power and skills allow them to adapt rapidly to the project.
Interested candidates should send a curriculum vitæ, a brief summary of research experience and interests, and at least two references to

                           Franck Courchamp

Lab ESE. UMR CNRS 8079                            [log in to unmask]
Batiment 362                                            Tel  0033 1 69 15 56 85
Université Paris-Sud XI                                 Fax 0033 1 69 15 56 96
F-91405  Orsay  Cedex France


Franck Courchamp                       
Universite Paris-Sud XI         Tel (0033/0) 1 69 15 56 85
Batiment 362                  Fax (0033/0) 1 69 15 56 96
F-91405  Orsay  Cedex         FRANCE