

I would like to announce an innovative awareness day that is happening on
Friday July 8th at Christchurch University, Canterbury.

The Children’s Fund Kent has funded the British Dyslexia Association to
make a DVD of over 60 dyslexic children from all over Kent showing their
feelings about being dyslexic through art, sculpture, drama and music.

They had such an exciting and pleasurable day and to celebrate this and to
raise awareness of what the issues are for dyslexics, I would invite any
professionals who would like to come along to the screening to see just
what it’s all about. There will also be an exhibition of the children’s
work expressing their feelings. Do you know what it’s like to be dyslexic?

Refreshments will be available.

I have a limited number of places left to attend the screening so if you’d
like to attend please contact me and I will send you an invitation.

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Liz Tredget

Regional Development Officer SE & London

British Dyslexia Association

This post is funded by the Community Fund

Tel & Fax 01634 313 693

mobile 07879 662 455 registered charity no 289243