

Dear All,
Does anyone have any guidance notes for nurses with disabilities going
out onto placement?  We are thinking of developing some here at TVU for
example, if a student does not want to declare to the placement staff
that they are dyslexic and yet they have difficulty with writing patient
notes, they may need to always make sure they cross check those notes
are accurate with another member of staff etc.  

Another example would be the procedures that should be followed by
students who are HIV or Hepetitis B positive (these are generally in
place for all students but we don't have anything written down as such
that we can give the students as guidance) and just in case you're
wondering our last intake of nurses in March saw eighteen people who
have one or both of these conditions.  

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  If people are interested in them
once I have done these, don't hold your breathes) I will try and
remember to disseminate.  


Pauline McInnes
Disability Co-ordinator
Disability Team
Student Services
St Mary's Road
W5 5RF
Tel:  0208 231 2058