

Adjustment to campus accommodation.

Dear Colleagues,

We would appreciate your advice on the following matter:

We have a student who needs a major adjustment to campus accommodation ( a hoist and a track). Social Services have asked us to consider at least contributing to the cost of the hoist, track and building work  that will be required, as they say they don't have a budget and to find the money will take them ages. There is actually already a track and hoist in the student's room, but social services and student have found it does not meet the student's needs. We want the matter resolved ASAP for the sake of the student, but wondered what our responsibilities under the law is, as we don't have a budget either. Any thoughts, help, suggestions, solutions…………. Would be great!!

Thank you.

Brigid Callaghan

Brigid Callaghan
Senior Disability Adviser
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park
C04 3SQ
01206 87 3260
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