

The issue of extra time if one is using an amanuensis distracts one from the
main issue of why there is a time limit for examinations. Unless there is a
good academic reason why an examination is time limited there is no reason
why extra time should not be appropriate for anyone who needs it for any

As someone who has set examinations at many different levels I can honestly
say that if anyone could perform better in my examinations by having extra
time then I have failed as an examiner. Students should be able to
demonstrate their ability in the time allocated, no amount of extra time
should make a difference, either the student could answer the question or
they could not. If that is the case then why worry about extra time, the
result should be the same no matter how much time is taken. If a student for
whatever reason needs extra time then that student should be given it.

There could be situations in which time limits are necessary but they
certainly do not apply for most situations.

I would hope that Disability Advisors challenge their own institutions on
this issue. The only reason I have been given for all examinations to be
time limited is that one can thereby schedule two examinations in the same
room on one day - NOT a valid academic reason. Solid academic reasons should
govern the situation, not administrative ones.

To answer the specific question of extra time when using an amanuensis I can
say that as an assessor (for DSA support) I always recommend 50% extra time
for such situations. As someone who has been an amanuensis I have had to
interrupt the examinee in full flow to check what I have taken down, this
makes the examinee try to remember what they intended to say, interrupts
their train of thought and the examinee can even forget what they were in
the middle of. The Director of a student medical centre told me that there
is a large amount of strain placed on both sides of the amanuensis/examinee
relationship, and the interruption of thoughts to check what has been
written is very disruptive for the student. 50% extra can only go some way
to address this and is a very minimum.