

True enough. The whole episode does raise interesting questions about unsolicited marketing communications and discussion lists, forums and message boards though, which are relevant to DP. 
One that has been occupying my mind is that if an organisation hosts an email list like this one, or, say a message posting board, and if "unsolicited marketing communications" are made via that list or forum, is it just the individual sending/posting the communication the one breaking the Electronic Communications and Privacy Regs (and also bits and bobs of the DPA), or is the hosting party at fault as well? It seems to me that technically the message is delivered by the list or forum host, so there is potential for them to be held liable as well as the sender/poster. Has this arisen anywhere? I know that it came up in the realm of libel (friends reunited and other instances), but that's a whole different kettle of miscellaneous swimming things.

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: This list is for those interested in Data Protection issues on behalf of Broom, Doreen 
	Sent: Wed 01/06/2005 08:27 
	To: [log in to unmask] 
	Subject: Re: [data-protection] That conference. You are wrong to complain!

	At the end of the day - it was one e-mail - if you are interested you will look at it, if not - there's a wee button on your keyboard which says "delete".  Instead, we have ended up with so many "unwanted" e-mails complaining about it - is this really relevant to the list?
