

In message 
[log in to unmask]>, at 
15:51:39 on Tue, 12 Jul 2005, Tim Trent 
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>I can see both sides to this.  There is the argument that "Accounts Clerk"
>is not personal data.
>But "Accounts Clerk between Oct 78 and Jul 93" becomes uniquely personally

I had a job title in my former employment that only ever applied to me 
within that organisation (I invented it, and when I left, my successor 
had a different one).

>I come down in favour of the argument that a CV, even anonymised, is
>personal data.  I would not supply this data, and I would be prepared to
>argue my case.

But I had my CV on the web...
Roland Perry

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