3rd International Conference of Evidence-Based Health Care Teachers & Developers

Building bridges between research and teaching

Taormina (Italy), 2th - 6th November, 2005



You can read the consensus of last edition, published as:

“Sicily Statement on Evidence-based Practice”




We welcome you to the 3rd International EBHC Teachers & Developers Conference.

Join in, share, learn and have fun!


Building on the previous successful meetings, the program aims to foster international exchange and friendship in the pursuit of Evidence-Based Health Care.

You will discover an intense intellectual exchange in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.


Meet teachers and developers from around the world in a 3-day program that will include keynote talks to highlight some of the major developments in EBHC in recent years, abstract, poster and small group sessions to foster an exchange between individuals and institutions.


You will be staying in the seaside resort of Taormina, one of most famous venues in the world, at Hotel Caparena, the place for relaxing in every season of the year in a lush scenario filled by the scent of a subtropical garden of palm and acacia trees, hibiscus, orange and red bougainville flowers.


So whether old hand or new, we look forward to seeing you in “Sicily 2005”.


Nino Cartabellotta

for the The Conference Steering Committee