

Dear colleagues,

the 14th World Congress of Criminology has been scheduled for August 7-11 in Philadelphia, PA, USA.

The general topic is "Preventing Crime & Promoting Justice: Voices for Change".

As Honorary President of the International Society for Criminology (Paris) I would like you very much 
to join in. You may like
* to listen to plenary speeches and/or 
* to present a paper and/or 
* to present a poster and/or 
* to arrange a special session.

The deadline has recently been extended to June 15, 2005.

If you are interested, please turn your browser to the following URL:

In case you are working in the field of crime prevention or would like to learn about the most recent developments in research in Germany I would like you to turn your browser to the homepage of the
10th German Congress on Crime Prevention which is being scheduled for June 6 and 7, 2005 at Hannover. The major part of that Congress will be run in German, but some events will be simultaneously translated from German to English and vice versa.

If you are interested, please turn your browser to the following URL:

With best regards,
Hans-J. Kerner

Professor and Director,
Institute of Criminology,
University of Tuebingen,