

This is a common piece of code that I use to copy a segment from 1  
arbitrary dimensional array to another array of the same  
dimensiononality (but may be different size)

   function offset(pos, lb, strd)
     ! compute the offset into a flattened array
     integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: pos, lb, strd
     integer :: offset, i

     offset = 1

     do i = 1, ndims
        offset = offset + (pos(i)-lb(i))*strd(i)
     end do
   end function offset

   real(8), allocatable(:) :: array1, array2
   integer, allocatable(:) :: inc, lb1, ub1, lb2, ub2
   integer :: i, ii, imax, jj, ndims


   allocate(array1(some large size), array2(another large size))
   allocate(inc(ndims), lb1(ndims), ub1(ndims))
   allocate(lb2(ndims), ub2(ndims))



   do i = 2, ndims
      strd1(i) = (ub1(i)-lb1(i)+1)*strd1(i-1)
   end do



   do i = 2, ndims
      strd2(i) = (ub2(i)-lb2(i)+1)*strd2(i-1)
   end do

   imax = offset(ub1, lb1, strd1)
   ii = imax
   inc = lb1

   do while (ii <= imax)
      i = offset(inc, lb1, strd1)
      jj = offset(inc, lb2, strd2)

      do ii = i, i+ub1(1)-lb1(1)
         array2(jj) = array1(ii)
         jj = jj + 1
      end do

      do k = 2, ndims
         inc(k) = inc(k) + 1
         if (inc(k) <= ub2(k)) exit
         inc(k) = lb1(k)
      end do
   end do

Notionally lb1/ub1 and lb2/ub2 are the upper and lower bounds of the  
two arrays.  So by adjusting the lb's and ub's in

   imax = offset(ub1, lb1, strd1)
   ii = imax
   inc = lb1

you can choose a different segment of the arrays.  The example I have  
provided copys ALL of array1 into array2 (though array2 may be of  
different size).

I use to have the function offset defined as a cpp macro so that it  
was inlined... but most compilers can inline a function just as well.

Things to note:  for speed, you need to try and keep your memory- 
stores contiguous - hence the array over ii/jj is contiguous.  If you  
stride over cache lines while doing a memory-store, you will actually  
induce a cache-read, cache-modify, cache-write.  Which is costly :)   
Much better just to do a cache-read, lost of cache-modifies, cache- 
write and fush a full/modified cache line.

I use modifications of this piece of code all through my MPI-AMR code  
so I can do 2 and 3D problems without having to recompile.  I use it  
in my fortran scripting language so I can have interpreted arrays of  
arbitrary size and dimensionality.  In all the performance testing I  
have done, this code snippet is as fast as hard wiring the number of  
dimensions.  Deep down the compiler has to be doing the same thing,  
as memory is a single dimensional address range.

Of course, doing this sort of thing screws with your mind...  
especially when you start getting into some hairy mathematics :)  It  
is much easier to let the compiler do it.


Dr Stuart Midgley
Industry Uptake Program Leader
iVEC, 'The hub of advanced computing in Western Australia'
26 Dick Perry Avenue, Technology Park
Kensington WA 6151

Phone: +61 8 6436 8545
Fax: +61 8 6436 8555
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