

My Escafeld Hangings has finally arrived.  It's  had more hitches than a Hollywood actor but it's finally settled down.  It's gorgeous though I say it myself.  Check it out.  Be afraid or amazed but whatever be very.....  It's got my Mary stuff my Shed stuff my Sheffield stuff (or Escafeld stuff - with a soft shh not a scu).   A whole lot of stuffing going on.   

And it comes with a free c.d with the beautiful and famous  Portuguese actor and singer Ligia Roque singing some Fado (and a collaboration between Ligia and Mary Stuart, Queen of the Scots,  which is one the best things my ears have ever drank).  I'm croaking away in the background as ever.

Just buy the c.d and get the book free.    

Orders to me or Alan or go to   

Daaa daaa da daa it's a beautiful day da da da daaaaaaa
