


 The Poet's Bookshelf:

81 poets on the "essential" books

 On shutting down a reading mid-stream

 Shakespeare, the post-avant:

The NEA's curious attempt at cultural unification

 Black Sparrow is back –

New books by Robert Kelly & Clayton Eshleman,

A classic by Diane Wakoski

 My weblog crash

(note new format)

 Wendell Berry's Given:

his first new book of poems in 10 years

 A history of the School of Quietude

(& a note from a winner of

the Pulitzer Prize)

 Canadian awards

 The Henry Darger Read-a-thon

(I'm not making this up)

 The New American Poetry:

A reading list

 "the naive poet within the context of language,

is it possible?"

(On Henry Darger, Frank Stanford & open mics)

 The Slide Show:

The history of a genre

or of a device?