

>There has been recently an inexplicable confusion abroad between Writers
>Forum and London Under Construction, a group most perhaps all members of
>which have participated in WF workshops. They do very interesting work and
>are well worth seeing, and deserve support; but if it is WF you want, then
>please contact WF. You will get little sense of the workshop by seeing LUC
>The confusion has resulted in much wasted work and lost opportunities for
>other members of the workshop

REPLY: To the best of my knowledge there has never been any confusion 
between Writers Forum (WF) and London Under Construction (LUC). As you say 
they are two entirely distinct groupings with different purposes, aims and 
practices. LUC is a performance group rather than a workshop and has never 
made any attempt to identify itself with WF, although as you say, all of its 
members have been to WF at one time or another.

I would also deny that any opportunities have been lost to other poets, 
because of any such confusion. LUC responds to invitations to perform, and 
organises its own events, but always under its own name, so there is no way 
that LUC's activities could have limited opportunities for others, except in 
the sense that it, rather than another individual or group, is invited to 
perform. That of course is inevitable at every event where space and time is 

Furthermore, LUC does not have a stable and fixed membership and is 
completely open to collaboration with others and anybody who wants to get 
involved in however temporary a way. At present there are seven core 
members, but others are always welcome to join in should they wish to.

I hope this will help to dispel any remaining confusion about the 
differences between the two groups.

Very best wishes to all in WF, LUC and the list
