

Thank you for your e-mail.  I will send you a reply when your query has
been dealt with.

If your query is urgent, please contact the Registrar's Office general
number which is 0151 291 3900.

Many thanks,
Zoe Marshall

>>> Admin-Student 11/17/05 14:22 >>>

A working group at Salford is currently looking at the position of
foundation degrees and HNDs in the University's regulations and credit
framework, progression from HNDs and in particular the use of 2+1 and
2+2 models of progression. I would be grateful for any responses to the
questions below:

*	Does your institution include HNDs within its credit frame work,
if yes what credits are they allocated?
*	Does your institution operate 2+1 or 2+2 programmes?
*	If it does offer 2+1 how are academic quality and standards
maintained - is progression done on a pass/credit level or is a 'Merit
profile' of some nature required?

Any other comments related to current and proposed practice on the whole
area would be welcome.

If responses are sent direct to me at [log in to unmask] I will
provide a summary for the list.

Many thanks

Richard Clemens 
Academic Administration, Academic Division 
The University of Salford 
The Crescent, Salford M5 4WT 
[log in to unmask] 
0161 295 2255 fax: 0161 295 2257