

Dear Colleagues,


I quite agree with seeking official guidance from the ECU but I would
also suggest seeking additional comments from the recognized official
Bodies and Groups within the UK, not necessarily to be told what to do
but to inform our institutional decisions, under the reasonable and
practicable Equality and Diversity "litmus test" on the action that we
finally decide to take, both individually and institutionally. We could
obtain further comments and/or suggestions from the British Muslim
Association, the Jewish Board of Deputies, to name but a couple and as
dictated by what groups are looking for institutional redress within a
particular HEI. 


Issues to do with religion, belief and non-belief could also be regarded
as coming under the ambit of the RRAA requirements (albeit indirectly)
because of the racial groups that are involved and the definition of
unlawful indirect, institutional and individual racial discriminatory
practice. These issues would then be regarded as race equality relevant
and as such would therefore need to be dealt with, relative to the
requirements of the RRAA's General and Specific Duties. The CRE might
also be a good source of information to add to our decision making
processes. Whatever the CRE says, at least it will show that we are
committed enough to get all the appropriate information that we can,
before we decide to act in whatever way finally we do. We can also show
that our decision was as fully informed as possible, how and by whom.


These can also be very personal and emotive issues, especially taking
the current environment around some religions, into account. The more we
can take our institutional decisions and subsequent actions, away from
an individual and idiosyncratic approach and base them on institutional
functioning that can be shown to be as well informed as possible, the
more likely we are to come up with institutional decisions that are fair
and just, good for all our stakeholders and can stand up to any
reasonable scrutiny and/or interrogation that way well result, whatever
decision we make in the end.


I hope this helps and please feel free to come back for any
clarification that you might need on any of the suggestions that I am


Warm regards and a wonderful New Year to you all!!




From: HE Administrators equal opportunities list
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Aslam, M
Sent: 06 January 2005 11:16
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Christmas closure and home working


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I think guidance from ECU would be very helpful . 

Best wishes for 2005  to everyone.



Human Resources Consultant

Leeds Metropolitan University     

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Adamson, Sheila [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
        Sent: 06 January 2005 10:24
        To: [log in to unmask]
        Subject: Christmas closure and home working

        Could anyone offer any practical advice on how to deal with
Christmas holidays? In common with many HEIs, we close over Christmas
and New Year and all staff are required to be on holiday. It has been
suggested that those who don't want to celebrate Christmas (whether as a
christian or pagan festival!) should be allowed to work and use the
holidays at a more suitable time. For most staff this isn't possible as
the building is closed. However some staff, particularly academics, can
argue that they could work from home. This raises a separate issue of
equity, of course, between different categories of staff within the

        Any ideas where I could get some guidance? What are other
universities doing? 


        Sheila Adamson 
        Planning and Policy Officer 
        Strategic Planning and Policy Unit 
        Queen Margaret University College 
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