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Chris Kelly <[log in to unmask]> wrote:With apologies for cross-posting. Please circulate to colleagues with an
interest in this area.

Aimhigher in the Workplace - Firm foundations for vocational qualifications

Wednesday 15 June 2005
Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool

The Tomlinson Report and the recent Government Skills White paper both
emphasised the importance of vocational qualifications, yet learners and
those who advise them do not always understand the range of vocational
qualifications on offer; nor are the progression routes to higher education
always clear. We also believe that many learners, parents and employers do
not fully understand how Foundation degrees can be of benefit.

This event, jointly sponsored by Aimhigher North West, Action on Access,
Careers North West and Foundation Degree Forward, offers the opportunity to
discuss these issues and to comment on some of the materials available to
advise learners. We may even decide to design some new ones!

We believe this event will be if interest to advice and guidance and careers
staff from further education colleges, higher education institutions
(including admissions tutors), Connexions, IAGs, the TUC and training
officers in a range of companies.

Draft programme

10.30 am Welcome and introductions
10.45 am Val Butcher - Senior Adviser, Employability, Higher
Education Academy, (Topic to be confirmed)
11.15 am Derek Longhurst - Director, Foundation Degree Forward,
(Topic to be confirmed)
11.45 am Alison Hill - Careers Partnership Manager, Careers North
12.15 pm Set up afternoon working groups
12.30 pm Lunch
1.15 pm Working groups

The purpose of the group sessions will be to look closely at available
materials that give information or advice about vocational qualifications at
level 4 and above, including Foundation Degrees, NVQs, Higher Level
Apprenticeships, CGLI Higher Professional Diplomas, Edexcel Higher Nationals
and publications by Aimhigher and others, in order to:

* Comment on their effectiveness
* Suggest changes and improvements
* Suggest new materials to fill gaps

3.00 pm Plenary session to summarise what should be done?
3.30 pm Tea and close

A booking form is attached to this message.

Kind regards.

Chris Kelly
Promotion & Dissemination Officer
Action on Access
c/o SLED
University of Bradford
Richmond Road

Tel: 01274 233215
Fax: 01274 235360
Email: [log in to unmask]

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