

Dear ACB-CLIN-CHEM-GEN list members,


I'm in need of some help. I'm a trainee BMS studying for my MSc and

I'm struggling to find any information or review papers for an essay

regarding the financial viability of hyphenated chromatography

techniques. For anyone who has been involved in the purchase and

implementation of hyphenated techniques such as LC-MS-MS and MALDI-TOF

could you please try and answer some of the following questions:


What techniques do you use and what do they mainly analyse?


When first considering purchasing equipment what factors were

considered to justify the initial outlay of costs?


Approximately what price range does your analyser fall into?


Lastly do you think that the financial costs justify the strategic



Any other information that you feel may help will be extremely


Thank you very much,


Justine Er

Department of Blood Sciences

Blackburn Royal Infirmary


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