

Courses coming up soon at TFPL - don't miss out!

*******apologies for cross-posting******

There are places available on these course which are being held in the London training suite or close to TFPL's office. For more information or to make a booking, please follow the link below or call the training team on 020 7251 5522. A full list of our training courses can be found on (then follow the link for course search).

Copyright for corporate information professionals - 17 January
 This one day introductory course will provide a basic grounding in the key issues relating to copyright for information services in the corporate sector. It will provide a potted overview of copyright basics, the current law and its application in the commercial sector.

Speaker: Paul Pedley, Head of Research at the Economist Intelligence Unit, a regular speaker for a number of training providers in the industry and author and editor of a number of publications.


FoIA readiness - just in time training - 20 January
 TFPL is offering 'just in time training' for the implementation of the Freedom of Information Act, which comes into force in January 2005.

This one day workshop is intended as a primer, practical guide and health check for any managers and information professionals involved in the implementation of the FoIA.

Speakers: John Davies, senior TFPL advisor and Collin Crooks, a leader in the area of FoI

Internet search engines - 20 January
Rather than having a smaller number of search engines on the Internet there are more and more of them available, all with their own particular strengths and weaknesses. In order to get the most out of the Internet it is becoming increasingly necessary to have a good in-depth understanding of how these work and which one(s) to use in any given circumstance.

Speaker: Phil Bradley, an independent internet consultant for over seven years, and his activities cover training, writing, website design and search engine optimisation. He has probably trained more people in the UK on effective use of the internet than anyone else.


Training the trainer - Day 1: 21 Jan, Day 2: 11 Feb
 Training has become an integral part of the job for many library and information professionals, as more information becomes available and end-users access more information from their desktops. The role of the LIS team has expanded into facilitation, as they need to pass on their skills and knowledge to colleagues. This two day course provides the background necessary for you to prepare and deliver appropriate training for your clients, whether the clients are members of your own team, trainee solicitors, corporate financiers, health workers or managing directors. Practical exercises will help you develop your confidence. The two days are split so that delegates have the opportunity to prepare for the second day.

Speaker: Ann Millington, Occupational Psychologist and Associate Director of Organisational Development of a large London Authority


Writing for the web - 25 January
Do you want to write web content that works both for external websites and the intranet? Your website is your organisation's calling card so your words have got to hook the user. This course will teach you how to communicate more effectively with your customers online. It will also help you to write for your intranet so that it empowers your employees and guarantees your organisation greater long-term success.

Speaker: Maud Hand, a freelance multimedia producer, broadcaster and writer with over thirteen years experience in both commercial and public service media.


Introduction to records management - 31 January
 This one-day course is a basic introduction to the principles and practices of records management. It is designed for clerical staff who have become involved in documentation and records management and wish to improve their understanding of relevant concepts and techniques. There are related courses which can be used to develop your skills having attended this introductory course.

Speaker: Jeff Morelli, an independent management consultant, regular trainer with TFPL with 24 years' experience in documentation and records management



Amy Millis
Training administrator
TFPL is an IDOX company

TFPL Ltd 17-18 Britton Street, London, EC1M 5TL
Tel + 44 (0)20 7251 5522 Fax + 44 (0)20 7251 8318

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