


Most likely it's a memory issue. Does SPM write out ResMS images? If not then it is failing at the
estimation of temporal non-sphericity. In any case you might want to put in a breakpoint using
debug at around line 745 of spm_spm and then step through the rest of the estimation to see where
the problem is. By doing this you could also save variables manually along the way. Sometimes
starting matlab without java will hepl with calculations that use a large amount of memory.
However, you cannot use the edit facility without java.


At 02:45 PM 4/13/2005, Todd Thompson wrote:
Hi, all. I have a hopefully simple novice question:

We're running a GLM for an fMRI experiment with ~600 regressors. The
GLM takes around four hours to run, and outputs all our beta.img

Unfortunately, it will often crash when writing the SPM.mat file. Does
anyone know what causes this, and how to fix it? There's no matlab
crash dump, though the matlab process abruptly terminates.


Todd Thompson
Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute
University of California, Berkeley

Darren R. Gitelman, M.D.
Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer¹s Disease Center
Northwestern Univ., 320 E. Superior St., Searle 11-470, Chicago, IL 60611
Voice:   (312) 908-9023     Fax:  (312) 908-8789