

Please find below the details of two forthcoming Landor transport 

Meeting rural transport needs: Considering future challenges within a 
changing environment 
-  Overview of changes to the Countryside Agency
-  The implications for the creation of the Commission for Rural Communities
-  Defining the new role of Regional Development Agencies
-  Innovative approaches to integrated service provision
-  Considering the future of rural transport
Tuesday 20th September 2005 
The Oxford Centre, Oxford 

Light Rail & Rapid Transit 
Finding the keys to unlock the best options for urban travel
-  A review of light rail's worldwide success from Wolfgang Meyer, 
President of UITP
-  Transit schemes and city development in the UK and Ireland
-  Does UK system assessment include registration benefits?
-  Successful procurement and funding - getting the structures right
-  Coordinating deregulated buses with light rail systems
-  Applying light rail to the regional network
Thursday 13th October 2005 
4 Hamilton Place, London W1 

Further details and online booking is available at 

Kind regards, 

Clare Leonard
Landor Conferences