

Wrote this yesterday instead of cooking a proper dinner.
Still a work in progress.


     Knees slightly bent, body lightly curved around
     his guitar, held close, vital

     Elegant fingers on the Telecaster's neck
     lift and slide and press
     Long thumb and finger delicately pinch
     the plectrum

     Face an intent mask
     mouth a concentrated line of presence
     and eyes lost in love with it

     Sound surges up his spine, through his chest, shoulders, head,
     into his eyes, into his hands on body, neck, strings, pick
     and by magic he understands, wire and amp and wave
     and magic he doesn't understand, music-magic
     into listeners and band and back
     into his ears, his body, into the walls and into everything

Janet Jackson <[log in to unmask]>
Poems at Proximity: