

 ******apologies for cross-posting******

Embedding and sustaining knowledge management
*Revised date* - 22 July, London                                      

TFPL is holding a knowledge management workshop in central London on 22 July
for knowledge practitioners at all stages of their implementation journey.

Many organisations implementing knowledge management are looking for ways to
ensure that the success from their activities is sustainable, and ultimately
becomes part of 'the way we do business around here'. 

Drawing from his experience in BP's renowned KM team, his best-selling book
'Learning to Fly' and his recent role as Centrica's Director of Change and
Knowledge Management, Chris Collison, who spoke at TFPL's EBIC Conference on
Knowledge Leadership, leads this practical workshop.

Chris' innovative approach combines benchmarking, performance management and
knowledge-sharing to reverse the defensive 'not-invented-here' culture which
performance league tables and benchmarking often generate. Delegates will
receive hands-on training in this highly transferable technique, proven in
public and private sector organisations.

The one-day workshop which will take place at TFPL will close at 16.30,
however Chris will be available for a further hour for 1:1 sessions to
discuss any individual challenges you may have. A full programme is
available on the link below.

For further information and to book your place, please visit or
contact Jacky on + 44 (0) 20 7251 5522  or email <mailto:
[log in to unmask]> 

Please share these details with colleagues who may be interested.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Kind regards

Amy Millis, Training Administrator
& Jacky Berry, Training Manager