

Publication from : Matt Thorpe <[log in to unmask]> (Grid Operations Centre)
This mail has been sent using the broadcasting tool available at

Dear all,

To resolve issues with the link between the SFT and GOCDB it is necessary to have all sites in the GOCDB set to valid timezones.  As of 15:30 GMT 05/12/2005 the following sites need to update their information:

| sitename               |
| BUDAPEST               |
| USCMS-FNAL-WC1         |
| praguelcg2             |
| CAVENDISH-LCG2         |
| Taiwan-LCG2            |
| TOKYO-LCG2             |
| ru-Moscow-SINP-LCG2    |
| TRIUMF-LCG2            |
| TW-NCUHEP              |
| HEPHY-UIBK             |
| prague_cesnet_lcg2     |
| Umontreal-LCG2         |
| CARLETONU-LCG2         |
| NCP-LCG2               |
| RU-Protvino-IHEP       |
| Taiwan-IPAS-LCG2       |
| ITEP                   |
| UCL-CCC                |
| HPTC-LCG2              |
| BEIJING-LCG2           |
| CGG-LCG2               |
| WARSAW-LCG2            |
| IN2P3-LAL              |
| TILAB                  |
| IISAS-Bratislava       |
|     |
| ru-IMPB-LCG2           |
| UIOWA-LCG2             |
| TRIUMF-GC-LCG2         |
| TIFR-LCG2              |
| ru-PNPI-LCG2           |
| Dipartimento di Fisica |
| HPBR-LCG2              |
| GOG-Singapore          |
| ru-Novgorod-NOVSU-LCG2 |
| SZTAKI                 |
| LCG_KNU                |
| IEPSAS-Kosice          |
| Hephy-Vienna           |
| ru-Moscow-GCRAS-LCG2   |
| HPTC-LCG2ia64          |
| TU-Kosice              |
| Taiwan-NCUCC-LCG2      |
| UFL-LCG2               |
| TIFR-CMS               |
| WARSAW-EGEE            |
| IN2P3-LPNHE            |
| SiGNET                 |
| CINES                  |
| scgNUIGie              |
| mpUCDie                |
| obsARMuk               |
|      |
| PPS-CYFRONET           |
| CYF-CERTIF-TB          |
| OSG                    |
| GUP-JKU                |
| PPS-CERN               |
| Taiwan-PPS             |
| Ru-Troitsk-INR-LCG2    |
| SFU-LCG2               |
| INDIACMS-TIFR          |
| SDU-LCG2               |
| IN2P3-CC-PPS           |
| FMPhI-UNIBA            |
| IN2P3-LLR              |

If you don\'t see a timezone for your site or if you notice that the calculated localtime on the GOCDB page for your site is incorrect please email me.

Thanks and best regards,

Matt Thorpe
GOCDB admin.