

My apologies. 
What I meant was that I have 18 lower level contrasts. The 2nd level creates 8 stat maps per 
contrast ?(or am i missing something here). So in the second level analysis I get 18 cope 
directories that contain 8 stat maps in each, where each stat map corresponds to a single subject 
across 4 runs . Those are the logs that I sent previously. So, 'report_cope1.log' corresponds to the 
first contrast of interest in the lower level that in the 2nd level is now combining the 4 runs per 
subject. If you look at the end of the log the line plot error only occurs for zstat3 and zstat7. I am 
assuming that zstat3 = subject3 and zstat7 = subject7. Am I doing something wrong at the 
second level of analysis?
I hope this makes sense and can aide in figuring out where I might be going wrong,


Here is a copy of the error :
/usr/local/fsl/bin/tsplot . -f filtered_func_data -o tsplot

gnuplot> plot 'tsplot/tsplot_zstat3.txt' using 1 title 'data' with lines , 'tsplot/tsplot_zstat3.txt' 
using 2 title 'cope partial model fit' with lines , 'tsplot/tsplot_zstat3.txt' using 3 title 'full model fit' 
with lines 
         line 0: Can't plot with an empty y range!

convertb: no delegate for this image format (/tmp/magicxQ9KgT).
convertb: Missing an image file name.

gnuplot> plot 'tsplot/tsplot_zstat3.txt' using 4 title 'reduced data' with lines , 'tsplot/
tsplot_zstat3.txt' using 2 title 'cope partial model fit' with lines 
         line 0: Can't plot with an empty y range!

convertb: no delegate for this image format (/tmp/magicKcWSCY).
convertb: Missing an image file name.

gnuplot> plot 'tsplot/tsplot_zstat7.txt' using 1 title 'data' with lines , 'tsplot/tsplot_zstat7.txt' 
using 2 title 'cope partial model fit' with lines , 'tsplot/tsplot_zstat7.txt' using 3 title 'full model fit' 
with lines 
         line 0: Can't plot with an empty y range!

convertb: no delegate for this image format (/tmp/magic0ndOAP).
convertb: Missing an image file name.

gnuplot> plot 'tsplot/tsplot_zstat7.txt' using 4 title 'reduced data' with lines , 'tsplot/
tsplot_zstat7.txt' using 2 title 'cope partial model fit' with lines 
         line 0: Can't plot with an empty y range!

convertb: no delegate for this image format (/tmp/magicBxKQCN).
convertb: Missing an image file name.

Finished FEAT at Tue Dec  6 12:39:04 MST 2005
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