

Hi Ram,

>it is my understanding that each column of the design matrix is demeaned as
>well. (based on this thread:
>).  however, i cannot think of a way to calculate the mean of each regressor
>without the error terms of each regression.

Yes, the design matrix is demeaned (design matrix rules:
dm.html).  But, since I already demeaned the filtered_func_data, don't need to estimate the mean
of each regressor.  I'm actually trying to calculate the residuals so that I can verify that my model
is correct.  When I subtract the model from the raw data, I don't get the same sigma_squareds as
FSL gets.  So, one possibility is that there is a bug in my code.  Another is that I haven't accounted
for some factor that FSL applies to the design matrix before writing the values to design.mat. I
wanted to make sure it's not the latter before I spend another sleepless night being totally

>perhaps the fmrib wizards have a potion we can use ?

Perhaps a sleeping potion...?
