


Last night someone asked me if I'd stopped sending out bulletins telling
people what was new on E&D. No, I haven't stopped. I just forgot to do it.

Recently on E&D:

Reviews of Smith/Doorstop books by Mike Barlow and Chris Beckett
An American Patriot Song, sort of
Arthur Lee and Love at The Rescue Rooms
Prose Poems by Ian Seed
The brilliant Dean Young reviewed (brilliantly)

plus, there are some asides and links about Neil Astley (whom?), and other
entertaining incidentals.

Forthcoming over the next few weeks are reviews of U.A Fanthorpe, Campbell
McGrath, new books from Bluechrome and Shearsman and others and, perhaps,
more new drama from the pens of Halliday & Stannard, who were recently
dubbed the Laurel and Hardy of avant-garde theatre. Whatever.

Have fun while you can.

Martin Stannard