

Can someone field this please?  Looks like a feature to me.

Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 14:02:58 -0800
From: Alan Penny <[log in to unmask]>
To: Quick Programming Service <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: chr_ctor and double precision number

Hi Malcolm,

I'm having a problem with a Starlink character s/r.

If  'chr_ctor'is fed a doble precision number, it  seems to return an OK
status (bad), but doesnt seem to handle the double precision number. (to
be expected)  See example below:

Any ideas?



      subroutine test_1 ( ierradam )

      integer ierradam
      character*80 text
      real rv
      integer istat
      double precision dv

      text = "-0.15732190062648830795+164"
      istat = 0
      rv = 0.0

      print*, text

      call chr_ctor ( text, rv, istat )

      print*, istat, ' x ', rv
      call chr_ctod ( text, dv, istat )
      print*, istat, ' x ', dv



Running the above s/w gets this output:

Fujis03> test_1
 0 x  -INF
 0 x  -1.57321901E+163
