

On Wed, 6 Oct 2004, Alasdair Allan wrote:

> My "make world" on the laptop has just falled over with,
> making BLT demo "bltwish"...
> rm -f bltwish
> gcc -fwritable-strings -O -g -O2 -I/star/include   -I.
> -I../tcl8.0.3/generic
> -I../tk8.0.3/generic -I/Users/star/classic/applications/gaia/built/include
> -I/usr/X11R6/include  \
>         ./bltUnixMain.c -o bltwish ./src/libBLT.a
> -L/Users/star/classic/applications/gaia/built/lib -ltk8.0 -ltcl8.0
> -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lm
> ld: Undefined symbols:
> _Tk_MainEx

> _Tcl_Panic

That symbol makes it look like you're picking up the wrong version of Tcl
(since it doesn't exist in my version). Looking at the gcc line those
includes are wrong (why is it picking up /star/include, some CFLAGS you
have set?)

Don't suppose you have a fuller log?
