----- Original Message -----
Subject: Conference Announcement/Call for Papers

Would you be so kind and circulate details of the forthcoming conference and call for papers? Many thanks, Sarah.
British Sociological Association's Human Reproduction Study Group
5th Annual Conference, Thursday 2nd December 2004
University College Northampton, UK
Conference Announcement & Call for Papers, Posters & Workshops

We invite papers, workshops and posters in any area of human reproduction, including but not limited to: midwifery; contraception; pregnancy, childbirth and infant feeding; [in]fertility; motherhood, fatherhood and kinship; sexuality; reproductive technologies; reproductive bodies; and genetics. Theoretical, methodological and empirical papers all encouraged. All practitioners and academics welcomed.


For further information, to register or if you would like to present your work at the conference please send an abstract of 250 words (including your name, affiliation and title of paper/poster/workshop) to the Convenor, Dr Sarah Earle on [log in to unmask]. Abstract deadline is 15th October 2004. Registration £60 (BSA Member)/£70 (non BSA Member).


Dr  Jane Sandall
Professor of Midwifery and Women's Health
Women & Family Health Research Group,
King's College, Waterloo Bridge Wing,
Franklin-Wilkins Building,
150 Stamford Street,
London, SE1 9NN
Tel: 020 7848 3605
Fax: 020 7848 3764
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