

We're using our old LCFG box ATM.

On Tue, 28 Sep 2004, Steve Traylen wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 28, 2004 at 03:27:06PM +0100 or thereabouts, Paul Kyberd wrote:
> >         Inspired by the knowledge that I was not alone and doing
> > something completely inane I returned and tried to do an install of a CE
> > using the floppy as the boot device.
> >
> >         It reached the end of the installation cycle and seems to believe
> > it is indeed an LCG2 CE. However it still has network problems - how it
> > managed to nfs mount the disk in order to read the profile and get hold of
> > the rpms, when the network is not working is beyond my comprehension!
> During the install you are using the floppy's compiled in e1000

This seems to work - I can rebuild the LCFG profile and fail to get
things working in a variety of ways...

Unfortunately, I've not got the node itself going yet but that may be part
of a separate problem: the sockets labelled LAN 1 and LAN 2 refer to eth1
and eth0, which apparently insignificant detail leaves us network booting
off eth1.

Needless to say, here at Muppet La^H^H^H^HBrunel we like to do things the
hard way so I've been messing around trying to get LCFG to start up TWO
network devices on reboot.
I've had it restart with just eth0 and then complain (fair enough, no
cable) and with just eth1 followed by an LCFG error message involving
"eth0" flying off the top of the screen... but not yet got it to try
starting both...

Anybody know what the network.gatewaydev and boot.level_network parameters
in the rh73 config file do?
[Slaps forehead] Aha!   EXTRA(hardware.modlist)          eth0
should probably be
                        EXTRA(hardware.modlist)          eth0 eth1

As the result of "Bringing up interface eth0" is always OK I've been
assuming the drivers are talking to the hardware - that was silly,
wasn't it. I'd check, but the room's now barricaded for the night.

If any of that helps anyone,


Dr. Henry Nebrensky                     [log in to unmask]
"The opossum is a very sophisticated animal.
 It doesn't even get up until 5 or 6 p.m."